Kamela Harris Is A Cackling Imbecile ~ VIDEO


Simply put, Harris is a low IQ quota hire with no actual accomplishments, whose rise to mediocrity was based on sordid relationships with powerful people in California.

Her most memorable moments are convoluted, word-salad embarrassments that serve only as fodder for memes and parodies. She is so without redeeming qualities that she was essentially laughed out of the presidential primary in the last race by her fellow Democrats. There are credible reports that, until recently, there were behind-the-scenes discussions on how to remove her from the ticket in 2024. In short, she is a talentless, Marxist bobblehead who spews inanities and whose only qualifications for office are her race and genitals.

And yet, she could very well be the next President of the United States.

Make no mistake, the same people who rigged the last election and have employed every conceivable machination (including attempted murder) to prevent Trump from winning the next election have anointed this loser as their standard bearer, and there are plenty of people in America who are eager to vote for her because she is a quota hire.

It’s a terrifying reality. The same person who was run out of the race for President because she is a buffoon (even by Democrat standards) has now become the chosen one to defeat Trump.

Having watched the surreal display of the heads of federal law enforcement agencies boldly lying to Congress and refusing to even answer questions that they admitted they had the answers to, it’s undeniable that there will be no one in a position of authority to oversee the legitimacy of the next election.

It is simply not believable that the world’s “premier” protective agency “overlooked” a clearly visible location a killer could use to assassinate the former President, and there just happened to be a nearby 20-year-old with virtually no social media history who had a drone and a rifle and an opportunity to climb a roof unnoticed by police. What a coincidence.

That’s why, as insane as it may sound, this idiot could very well become the next President.

So, it is absolutely essential that gun owners register to vote and vote.

Oregon’s vote-by-mail system was created and modified to allow for the most possible corruption and manipulation. Our voter roles are a mess. The US Mail system cannot be relied on to deliver new ballots to voters or marked ballots back to election offices.

Every single one of us must recognize the critical importance of voting early and getting our ballots safely to the election offices, and we must do all we can to encourage, cajole, and badger other gun owners and lovers of liberty to do the same.

The left is brilliant and ruthless at harvesting ballots, legitimate and not. The Oregon Republican Party has shown no similar history of powerful get-out-the-vote efforts.

Let’s face it. Our rights are hanging on by a thread. Oregon is one expensive court decision away from a complete ban on the sale of firearms and the outlawing of virtually all magazines and most shotguns. If this puppet becomes president, even moving out of state will not be an option. Whoever has been pulling Biden’s strings will be making Harris dance like a marionette in the hands of a Portland tweaker. Bank on it. You can rest assured that her coronation was only agreed to by the people in charge because she can be controlled. And if you thought a senile Biden was bad… you ain’t seen nothing.

Please do not underestimate the power of the corrupt deep state to rig the next election. (If they haven’t figured out a way to kill Trump first.) We must make sure that every rational person who can vote is registered, fills out a ballot, and makes sure it is, as safely as possible, in the hands of the county elections office.

Our Republic is already crippled by the corruption and weaponization of once-trusted and revered agencies. We cannot allow inaction to result in the installation of another big state puppet in the Oval Office.

The have tried everything they can dream up and they are not done yet. Please don’t let your guard down.

In other news, the battle against Measure 114 in the state case continues.

Attorney Tony Aiello continues to do a masterful job disassembling the state’s arguments. But the fight is in the hands of Oregon’s Court of Appeals, and the state likes to protect the state. Although by all indications the state is doing a sloppy job, the court seems to be willing to let them ignore protocol and miss deadlines. So we are still very much in danger.

We have never preferred to have our battles in courtrooms where activism does not matter and all it comes down to is money. But that is the hand we have been dealt, and as long as elected Republicans in Oregon continue to be more interested in collecting donations than in fighting for our rights, we are forced to continue to fund these battles.

Your support is essential to protecting what rights we have left. Please consider whatever contribution you can to help us fight these endless courtroom wars. Donations to the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation qualify for a tax deduction and are used to finance these efforts.

You can make a secure online donation here.

Read Related: Millions Of America’s Gun Owners Are NOT Registered To Vote. WTF!

About Oregon Firearms Federation:

The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no-compromise lobbying group; OFF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights, and, when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: www.oregonfirearms.org

Oregon Firearms Federation

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Anyone who votes for this hee-hawing donkey is clearly from the opposite end of the animal.


Hey Kumswalla! It’s a Coconut Palm. You blithering idiot!

Roland T. Gunner

that’s awesome, is it your own new material? I even like it better than Kameltoe..


She’s an idiot with a face that make a train take a dirt road


LMAO, thanks.


Now that’s a good one, I don’t care who you are!!!!


based on sorted relationships…” The word you want here is sordid.

Henry Bowman

Yikes! Now I need something to sanitize my ears!!


Hank nailed it….”….carrying on a family tradition….” Easy to see that family resemblance….


Nationally, in my observation and deduction, this is spot on. After Joe, the left progressive machine realizes, all it needs is the figure head. Kamala will do just fine, if she wins the presidency.

Henry Bowman

“…if she steals the presidency.’
There, FIFY.


LBJ went back to the same west Texas precinct three times until he had enough votes for his first ‘Senate win. It’s an old Demoturd family tradition……

Get Out

Wow, could those boxes be the re-labeled classified documents that were supposedly removed by trump the felon from Mar-a-Lago awhile back?


Kamala Toe will NOT win in November !!


“Haven’t we taken this “Anyone can be President” way too far??”
Lilicloth.com tee.

Enemy of Democracy

Chauncey Gardiners evil twin. (from book/movie, Being There)


Great article!! The story told is exactly what it is.

Roland T. Gunner

Mr. Riehl, this is the best article you have ever written.


LOL, Believe me when I say, this is a watered down and edited version.


She could be the spokesperson for Hillshire Farms sausage.


Cute, another chuckle


That’s a fact!


one could wonder if the cackles follow her to the bedroom. i’ve heard of putting a bag over their head. i guess a pair of socks in her mouth would not be too out of line then?


I’ve always said, you can’t have too many socks. You’ve just proved it.


Those socks would hobble her greatest asset……singed: Willie Brown.


Kamala Toe only smokes pot while on the job, so no cackle in the bed.


The TITLE is absolutely correct, Along with Kackles being a FOREIGN AGENT. She has NEVER gone through the Department of Naturalization to become an American Citizen. Just because she was birthed/burst via a Jamaican Father and an Indian Mother, neither were Naturalized before the birth, in America, does not make her an American Citizen! IE; Ambassadors giving birth in America, DOES NOT make their offspring Americans!


Hold on. The Chinese send their pregnant mothers here to NY to have their babies so they have a way to become American citizens. It’s a scam and a plan and has a complete process installed to make it happen financed by the Chinese here in America.

If you think about it, when Trump was president, he said that just because you have a baby here it becomes an American citizen needs to be changed.

Trump 2024


Kamala Harris = Idiot ³


C’mon, man. She made it into the 82nd best law school in the country that has a 31% acceptance rate (Yale is 5.6%). Who knows where she ranked in her class or how she got might have gotten a passing grade.


Passing grade? Joe B. was second from the bottom of his class and became president.
I don’t know how many willys got sucked dry, but I would rather be shot than let her get near mine.


University of California College of the Law, San Francisco where she went to school may be one of those that does not even give grades or have class ranking. Wikipedia did not say one way or the other.

Last edited 1 month ago by DIYinSTL

that is the dei way


Trump said she had a hard time passing the bar exam. Maybe she didn’t have to in Commiefornication Country.


she had to find a male examiner …..blew off the test,,vacuum lips Harris


I think you are more correct than you could begin to imagine.


If only it stood for Diligence, Excellence, and Integrity. Then I could support it.


dimwitted erratic imbecile, it does describe Camel toe pretty well


And……….an inoculation before…….I don’t like jabs, man.


DEI and affirmative action do not count in the real world only in Democrats clownworld does it qualify as an education .


Kamala Toe failed her bar exam, true fact. Let’s be honest here, Biden nor Kamala Toe are running USA, they are just hollow puppets of Obama, who of which takes direction from the Globalists. The Globalists are about the same as the Ayatollah.

Get Out

FYI, she also passed the bar the second time.

Get Out

Perhaps a lawyer who’s passed the bar can confirm that there are at least 3 proctors to ensure the tests are administered fairly? A friend’s wife and niece took the bar 5 years apart in CA. and there were 3 proctors in the exam room. Do you have any proof she got special treatment?


Who was talking about the 2nd time? Failing the 1st time just means she’s mediocre, like many lawyers are. It also tells us that she was no “star” AG. Her TV ads have been crud from her days in San Francisco where she ruined the lives of many many black people for petty crimes. Prosecutors are only “good” when they have a long list of convictions, so she went after petty crimes by the dozens. Her record is crap from the day she was born by Indian Mom and Afro-Jamaican Dad.

Get Out

Google: Bar Exam Pass rate by State, you’ll be gob smacked at the fail/ pass rate.


Even conservatives, in large part, will sneer at objectivity when it does not align with the opinion they are trying to voice. Interestingly, the passing rate for people taking the BAR exam more than once is lower than first timers. I can’t stand Harris’s opinions and her new attack dog running mate is even worse. She sounds like an ignorant, uneducated, low IQ, bigoted fool whenever she talks off script. She obviously has new speech writers but only loses the low IQ sound when reading her script from the teleprompter. Still, my comments will remain rooted in objectivity.


A very dangerous time in American history Nearly 200,000 join white women for Kamala Harris Zoom Call. Democrats believe Republican backing of abortion bans since the 2020 Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade will motivate young women to the polls and they are correct. The republican party failed to help protect Trump and they still are after shots were fired at the Trump Rallye. The democrats will make the election in 2024 about race women’s rights and rainbow flavored people. The real issues that face every American will not be first second or third on the media’s list to… Read more »


“WHITE DUDS FOR WORDSALADKAMMIE” The correct spelling…..


and it’s google too!!!!


It’s the Fake News so that is to be expected. I can’t tell you how many times I fired up Yahoo and it had an article about O’biDUMB and what a wonderful president he is for dropping out and backing Kamalatoe.


even funnier is the cackling imbeciles who are going to vote for her.


Greatest title for an article EVER!


USA is in a serious situation currently. There is no POTUS! Joe Biden has serious dementia and should be removed from POTUS. He wandered onto the aircraft that brought home those American hostages, the Secret Service almost all had heart attacks that Dementia Joe wandered up into that plane! This situation is serious, and the enemies abroad are well aware of the situation.


Yes, I heard it. It was not a slip, it was purposeful, a hint to the audience of her being capable for the job (lies). I don’t think she tried to say she’s been the acting POTUS. I think there are way too many leaks in the WH for Kamala to hide it, if she was standing in for Dementia Joe on a daily basis. She’s in the room, but that’s it. Now she needs to make everyone believe the lies that’s she’s been there as “last person in the room” for decision making.


I think at this point The People, all 175 million sane voters, need to find all the vids of this idiot Kamala telling everyone her lefty policies, and then post those vids or links to the vids on all the media platforms, flood it everywhere.


I love this line at the end.

“Millions Of America’s Gun Owners Are NOT Registered To Vote. WTF!”

I say that everyday.

I’m guessing about 84 million votes for Trump to 45 million for Cackling Kamel Toe at Midnight.

At 06:00 the next day. Still 84 million for Trump to 175 million to Kamel Toe.

That my prediction.


Many criminals own guns, and are not registered to vote, but their ballot still gets counted. 😉


Whatever one thinks of DJT, he appropriately states candidates for President should pass cognitive tests. Harris is suffering one or more mental illnesses – “Laughter out of context to a situation or exaggerated is called paradoxical laughter. It’s related to schizophrenia and other neurological disorders, but there are treatment options.” https://psychcentral.com/schizophrenia/paradoxical-laughter Future historians (who knows when) will look back on these times and inevitably conclude that the majority of political leaders – US (demonrat and rino), EU, WEF/OWG, Communist, etc – had severe mental illness. What’s causing it … ? All I know is humanity, regardless of country, ethnicity, race,… Read more »


The swamp hates Trump, not his policies. They hate him because he’s a business man and not a swamp TIC. They know his policies work, but the crats cannot run on Trump policies. Let’s see, they tried to bankrupt him, jail him, and kill him. He’s still here and a major threat to the Globalists.


I run a popup blocker




OMG, I need help. I just had a sick thought. Remember the freak Boy George that came out with his number one hit, Kama, Kama, Kama, Kama, Kamelia, you cum and go, you cum and go OH oh oh?

I wonder if that song was about Kamalatoe?


that would not be a surprise

Last edited 1 month ago by swmft
Get Out

FYI, polls show both running even for now, expect trump to fall back in the “pole” soon though.

Whoops, update, she passed trump the felon. Harris leading Trump 48 percent to 44 percent among registered voters across the country.

Last edited 1 month ago by Get Out

I reckon you better hope the real imbeciles aren’t those who decided to nominate that other old man, Turkey Waddles Trump, aka Pepe the Frog, and ended up losing to the Cackling Imbecile. You don’t win you don’t change jack. DeSantis 2028.


LOL, De Santimonious is out for good. He couldn’t even beat Trump on this election cycle. I think that J.D. will be the man after Trump. I wonder if he will take Trump Jr. for vice.


The only way the crats can win, is if they can inject illegal votes that will go unchallenged. That’s how they won 2020, and probably again in 2024. Facebook is spending (donating) $500 million (500 mil) to do illegal ballot harvesting.


Come to think of it, didn’t old man Turkey Waddles already lose to the Pedocrats in 2020?

China Berry

Name calling, name calling, make some shit up about the election to generate fear, then ask for money.